Polka Parade Emeritus
Jim Ebner was working as program director for WYMS, a Milwaukee Public Schools radio station, and it was here that Jim unwittingly became the "father" of Polka Parade.
Jim Ebner's position with WYMS radio came about as a direct result of earlier television work with Milwaukee Public School (MPS). In the 60's and 70's, Jim hosted a TV Science show for elementary students, and taught thousands of students some of the basics of their incredible environment. When classroom TV fazed out, Jim was transferred to the school system's radio station, where Jim soon learned how to produce and direct a wide variety of community radio shows.
Jim's parents, American born, were first generation citizens, but his Swiss -German and Czech immigrant grandparents brought their old world music here along with their culture, and their Victrola's. As a child Jim enjoyed these perky tunes, often rocking myself to their delightful energies.
Jim learned to play the accordion in the 1950's and soon he was playing with local Milwaukee bands such as Elmer Marks and the Marksmen and for awhile with Tony Rademacher Band.
Jim's other love is Biology and he is an avid butterfly enthusiast.