Polka Parade Duties
- Host for Heimatecho
Bob is somewhat new to Polka Parade as compared to the other DJ's but Bob is not new to Polka Music in general. Bob grew up in a polka loving family. Being raised in Seymour, WI, Bob was influenced musically with many different styles. With Seymour only 15 miles south of Pulaski, Wisconsin, the world renowned "Pulaski Sound" played a tremendous role in Bob's polka development. Music from the Dick Rodgers Band and the Alvin Styczynski Band was played quite frequently in the Ziegenbein household.
Bob's mother plays the accordion, so Bob was not just influenced by the "Pulaski Sound". Bob was constantly being exposed to music from the Six Fat Dutchmen, Whoopee John, Lawrence Duchow Orchestra, and the Cousin Fuzzy Band. Bob's first song of memory was "Goody Goody Gumdrops" from Cousin Fuzzy.
Like all children, as Bob grew older, his musical tastes changed. First it was country music, then to 50's rock n roll, to the Beatles, and finally to the contemporary rock music of the early 1980's. Along the way Bob did not forget his musical roots though.
In 1983, Bob joined the United States Navy. Bob trained to be a Power Plant Operator learning to operate high-pressure steam boilers, steam turbine generators, and the associated auxilary power plant equipment. Bob served on active duty for almost 10 years in the Navy serving aboard USS Whipple FF-1062, homeported at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and aboard USS Horne CG-30, homeported at San Diego, California.
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